The Church has lost a lot of people’s interest, and for a while it seemed that people were turning away from spirituality altogether, but now there is a rise in a passionate interest in authentic deep spiritual practice thought most people turn to the east for inspiration. But among those who have turned away from the church there remains a love for the ancient gregorian chant. Few can deny its beauty and depth. There is the opportunity and the call for a Gregorian Chant Revival – to show those who have become disillusioned with the church that the depth and mystery of spiritual practice that they are looking for do not have to be found on the other side of the world, that our own tradition has it too. To give people a taste of the deep peace that can be found in the traditional catholic spiritual practices – that the west also knows about mantra and sacred language. To those people interested in esoteric wisdom the traditional latin chants of the catholic church combined with the esoteric understandings that imbue christianity can become a powerful allure.
I wish to revive Gregorian Chant – to bring it back to the churches, and back to the people – to show people the power that is infused in them, and the love and peace. This can be done through performances with specific Chants, or with simpler liturgies – The Divinum Officium, or the officium parvum beatae mariae virginis for example, and we can in time begin to put on the complete mass in Gregorian Chant. This is an opportunity for any church that wants to be part of the new wave of spiritual interest that is spreading over the world, and to become again a leader in spiritual development.

For those interested in thinking even more boldly – how about a training course in esoteric wisdom that combines some of the topics deeply interesting to people at the moment – spiritual martial arts, and healing methods, practical spirituality applied to building community and relationships and a more spiritual world, with Gregorian Chant and christian practice. This is something that would transform people, transform the towns in which they take place and truly make a difference in the world.
I am looking for support and partners in the Gregorian Chant Revival – who wants to learn to chant? what churches would like to host gregorian chant services? Who would be interested in taking this in exciting directions?