Strengthening Tradition
A large part of the strength of a community depends on the health of its traditions. By reviving traditions (not in a cold preserved way on the stage, but in a living way where the people celebrate together as one) we can strengthen the bonds between people, the pride of belonging, and the self knowledge of the people. We can sing and we can dance and we can share the joy. This can set the stage for many more opportunities for building community and positive projects. It is also deeply imbued with the other elements of deep wisdom and spirituality despite it often seeming secular on the surface.
The Cooperative Society
A large part of my vision for a vibrant community comes from my study of Progressive socialism, cooperatives and participatory community development. I would like to bring songs and stories and shows that highlight and educate on the important elements of such a society and how we get there. It would help people to understand that there is a way forward, and what that way is, and how they can be involved.
Spirituality is imbued in every note and ever song and every show, but it can also sometimes be more overt. It is wonderful to bring light to the authentic deep spiritual traditions that surround us. Especially the local traditions that people often turn away from for lack of a deep understanding, and transformative experience, but also the traditions of the world. We can celebrate together, in a deep spiritual way.
Highlighting Projects, Issues and Opportunities
Music has the possibility of touching many people, and opening their hearts and the minds to new directions. Sometimes music by itself is enough, but often it is only the beginning and should lead to classes, workshops, projects, businesses, charitable fundraising – wherever the need and interest lies. Each show, each performance is a way of touching people and bringing them one step towards unity, and should be combined with ways to support people more. We can promote many good ventures, and we can create our own new ventures from the shows and performances.
Clothing and design
In time i see the musical program becoming more and more linked to other projects especially including the clothing design project – beautiful clothing is a simple way that people can take the joy that they feel in the performance or celebration and bring it into their lives. Clothing design is another whole field and project however, and I will devote another post to it.
Projeto Harmonia needs musicians and other performers, songwriters, organisers, promoters. If this project speaks to your heart then it would be great if you can get involved.