A Course for compassionate people
Put Compassion at the Centre
Do you ever feel like your compassion stops you from achieving? Like you need to suppress your greatest qualities in order to get on in the world? Enough of that – you can put compassion back at the centre and still be a successful, effective person. For those people who are gifted with care and compassion this can be your greatest asset if you use it wisely. Learn to build a business or career that is based truly deeply on who you are, and on helping others to be the best that they can be.
Find your inner peace and joy – move out of the ego and into the spirit. Learn practices that will bring you back into peace and compassion at any moment. Discover how to use this inner spirit to transform others, and how to use your communication in an effective, compassionate way. Learn to lead teams and business organisations in a beautiful, heartfelt, compassionate way, and how to turn business into service rather than sales.

Coaching Session
Explore the compassionate business approach and how that can help you with your life and business. A one hour session looking at your specific needs, and how to resolve your challenges through more authenticity and understanding.

Basic Course
A one month course in the basic principles of compassionate life and business. Find your approach to life and business that uses your particular compassionate talents. includes weekly (4) small group meetups and one private coaching session. You will be expected to attend the weekly sessions and put aside 30minutes daily to practice exercises and actions in between the classes. This will give you the fundamental knowledge to be able to bring compassionate business into practical action in your life.

Join the Club
For those who wish ongoing support and transformation in their lives we offer a 6 month membership in our compassionate business club. Includes training and coaching, but also the added power of the supportive community of others on the same path as you. Transform your life by being part of the community. Weekly meetups with coaching sessions, monthly private coaching sessions, Ongoing guidance. Guest speakers